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5th August 1999 - Bryan's details online - Bryan has done a page about himself and I have put that page up. - See it here. Submitted by Darren
5th July 1999 - A new direction for Krapplets? - It's been a long time since Darren first mentioned I been 'added' to the team, so I thought it's about time I actually did something =) - Darren and I have been converts of the GNU/Linux platform for a while now - so I thought it was about time we actually released a Krapplet for it. - I'm working on a port of Populist to X windows, which, while it's still in it's infant state, doesn't look like taking as long as I originally thought. Submitted by Bryan
2nd July 1999 - Site update, Krapplets progress, mailing list - I have been working on the Krapplets rewrites and things are starting to come together. - I won't have anything to release for a while yet though. - I have created a logo for the site at last, with lots of help from Faust, a friend of mine. - I had to redesign the layout of the site to accommodate the image too. - Also, I am changing the way the mailing list works, I am using some real mailing list software to allow me to notify people when I release stuff. - As part of this change, I am going to mail all existing members to request them to subscribe to the new list, this is mainly so that subscribers will have a copy of the instructions should they wish to unsubscribe. - If you don't already subscribe and wish to, see the subscription page. Submitted by Darren
29th March 1999 - Mail problems & Site Update - I suffered a hard disk crash, and lost about two months mail (Yeah, I know, backups). - So, if you have mailed me recently and have not had a reply yet, just re-send and I will reply. - Also, I will have lost some subscription requests, you will need to resend these too. - All the Krapplets source code survived though, I do back that up regularly. - In other news, I have changed the site slightly, but only IE4 users will see it, as I can't get Netscape to do the right thing. - All I have done is add a drop-down of links to the top right hand corner. Submitted by Darren
1st March 1999 - Hacking away - I'm now working on the re-write of Paper. - Not getting as much time as I would have liked though, so progress is a little slow. - I'm putting a lot more thought into the program design now rather than just coding the first thing that comes into my head. I highly recomend this technique for non-trivial programs. :-) - I also changed the site colour scheme recently, hope people like it. Submitted by Darren
1st February 1999 - Change of plans - I have been spending time lately trying to fix bugs in the beta releases of Paper and Populist. - As I have been doing this I have found some bugs were difficult to fix due to the way the code was written. - Both programs were written as I was learning C++ and they are a little less than refined in places. :-) - Also, there was a risk of introducing new subtle bugs when trying to fix existing ones. - So, I have decided to do the following to solve this problem: - Perform the rewrite of Paper and Populist as a priority and make these the next releases. - This will mean that the exising beta program will continue for the period of the rewrite. - To reduce the problems people are having with the programs I have produced a FAQ that details outstanding issues with the programs. - This should reduce the amount of mail I get and enable me to spend more time on writing code. - I realise this is a drastic course of action, but in the long run it will result in better programs. - Please let me know if you have any opinions on this. Submitted by Darren
23rd December 1998 - Not so busy now :-) - I did my MCP exam and passed, which means I have some free time now. - Apologies to all those who have sent mail to me in the past month and have not received a reply yet. I will be answering all outstanding mail over Christmas. - I will also try to get bug-fix releases of Paper and Populist out. - Krapplets will then enter an exciting new phase, details will be forthcoming. Submitted by Darren
17th November 1998 - Busy busy busy - I foolishly volunteered to sit for a Microsoft Certified Professional exam at work. - Like as if I wasn't busy enough! - Anyway, this means that until it's over, I will not be devoting any time to Krapplets development. - Also, I will be taking some time before answering my mails, but rest assured I will answer your queries, just not straight away. 23rd September 1998 - Future plans - Short term plans are: - Release latest versions of Paper and Populist after Beta testing is complete. - Perform a code-rewrite of both programs in preparation for adding some exciting new stuff (no details as yet). - Longer term plans are: - Add some exciting new stuff to Paper and Populist. - Write some new Krapplets. 23rd September 1998 - Addition to the Krapplets team - The Krapplets team has doubled (from one to two). - Our new addition is Bryan. We will have his details up shortly, but he brings experience of C++, HTML, Unix and loads of other exciting stuff. He also plays a pretty mean Deathmatch. :-) - He will assist with current projects and also help in developing new Krapplets. 31st August 1998 - Vote for your favourite Krapplet - Since discovering Perl I just had to add some to the site. - So, you can now vote for your favourite Krapplet by clicking here 31st August 1998 - Beta tests - I have had some feedback so far from the ongoing beta tests. - All of it was positive with no serious bugs showing up so far. - I will wait a reasonable period before releasing a non-Beta release. 16th August 1998 - Beta Software releases - I have decided to release new versions of Paper and Populist as Beta software. - This means that the software may still have bugs in it. :-( - The reason I am doing this is because I have very little free time for testing the software and I don't have a copy of Windows 98 to test with either. - This means that you should only download and use the new versions if you feel comfortable with running and using Beta software. - Also, please only download if you are prepared to notify me of any bugs you find. - If all you want is to use the latest versions then I would recomend you wait for the non-Beta releases. - If you are upgrading, please read the accompanying html instructions file BEFORE you install or run the software. It is very important you do this or you MAY lose your data from previous versions. - Anyway, if that didn't put you off, go to the Software page to download. - Oh yeah, have revamped the site too, hope you like it. :-) 28th July 1998 - Releases delayed - Sorry to announce that the promised release of the new Krapplets software has been delayed. - Starting work after being a student for so long has taken me by surprise, I didn't realise how little free time you have! - I still have to complete the docs, fix one or two bugs that have cropped up and get emails out to all mailing list members. - I am not going to say a date when I expect to have them ready but I am hoping it will be soon. 10th July 1998 - I got my results! - I got my results for my degree today, I got a First Class Honours Degree in Computer Science. :-)) - So all that hard work did pay off. Cool. - I got a job in the Computing Industry too. Cool also. - Hope to have new releases out soon, just writing the docs now, that takes time, I hate writing documentation. :-( 10th June 1998 - I have graduated! - After almost 4 years of hard slog I have finally completed University. - This means that I am now finally free to do some work on Krapplets software. - I would like to thank everyone who has been waiting patiently for me to finish so I can update my programs. - Thanks also to everyone who gave me words of encouragement and good luck wishes. - I hope to have new versions of Paper and Populist available by mid July. - This site will also be updated at around the same time. 29th May 1998 - We have moved - We have a news page :-) - We have moved to a new site and now have a domain name. - krapplets.org is now the new name for the Krapplets web site. - This new site has no bandwidth or space restrictions so expect to see more additions to the site over the coming months.
Last updated: Monday, 27-Mar-2000 10:52:05 BST